Tin Buckets - Painted and Galvanized

Decorative tin containers for work well for plants, display, and gourmet gift baskets.

These are some of our sturdiest options which makes them appropriate for events, raffles, or products that need a lot of space.


Med. Round Tin - 9.5''Dia x 7.75''H


Med. Round Tin - 7''Dia. x 11''H

Round Painted Tins - Lavender

Round Painted Tins - Light Green - Sold Out

Round Painted Tins - Yellow

Round Painted Tins - Pink

Small Oval Red Tin

Medium Oval Red Tin

Lg Oval Red Tin

Oval Galvanized Tin

Tin Bucket with Gold Handles

Tall Tin Bucket with Gold Handles


Round Decorative Tins - 10 Dia